Database Structure

ngshare is using SQLAlchemy to model data relationships and manage database queries.


  • User: analogous to users of JupyterHub. A user can be a student, instructor, or both.

  • Course: a course for nbgrader, can have multiple students and instructors.

  • Assignment: an assignment, has multiple states; belongs to a course.

  • Submission: a student’s submission to an assignment; includes submission and feedback; belongs to an assignment.

  • File: Store files related to 1) assignment, 2) submission, or 3) feedback.

Allocation Tables

Allocation tables are created by SQLAlchemy to represent many-to-many relationships. You should not worry about them when designing a high-level database structure.

  • instructor_assoc_table: Relationship between instructor (User) and Course

    • Also contains metadata: first_name, last_name, email

  • student_assoc_table: Relationship between student (User) and Course

    • Also contains metadata: first_name, last_name, email

  • assignment_files_assoc_table: Relationship between Assignment and File

  • submission_files_assoc_table: Relationship between Submission and File

  • feedback_files_assoc_table: Relationship between feedback (Submission) and File

Assignment State

Currently, the Assignment table has a boolean column released. It may be used in future versions of ngshare to manage assignment states.

Entity Relationship Diagram

To generate a graph using ERAlchemy:

pip3 install eralchemy
cd ngshare
python3 upgrade head
eralchemy -i sqlite:////tmp/ngshare.db -o database/er.png

Current Entity Relation Diagram

Entity Relation diagram

Note: this image is manually maintained.