Technology Survey

The Problem

nbgrader can be used in JupyterHub for creating and grading assignments, but there are issues when JupyterHub is deployed as a Kubernetes cluster. nbgrader distributes and collects assignments via a shared directory between instructors and students called the exchange directory. nbgrader does not work on a Kubernetes setup because there isn’t a shared filesystem in which to place the exchange directory.

Original System Architecture Diagram

Alternative Solutions

We brainstormed a few possible solutions before starting the ngshare project:


hubshare is a directory sharing service for JupyterHub.


  • Universal solution which can be integrated with nbgrader.
  • Considered for a similar service desired by the primary nbgrader developer (see jupyter/nbgrader#659).


  • Lots of work to implement HubShare.
  • The nbgrader exchange needs to be reworked.
  • Too generic, as it does not have permission control specific to courses and assignments (see this comment).


Another solution is to let every container access a shared file system through NFS (Network File System).


  • Simple and doable.
  • Requires minimal changes and additions to the Jupyter project.


  • Not a universal solution. NFS setups will vary across deployments.

Kubernetes Persistent Volume Claim

Kubernetes Persistent Volume Claim allows containers to request shared file systems.


  • More universal than the NFS solution.
  • Requires minimal changes and additions to the Jupyter project.


  • Difficult to work around limitations regarding multiple writers per volume. Need to find a way to have correct permissions for students and instructors.
  • Does not work with some volume plugins.

We think the best of these solutions is hubshare, but it is too general. We decided to create our own solution, which is a service similar to hubshare but more specialized for nbgrader. We call it ngshare, short for nbgrader share.


ngshare implements a set of REST APIs designed for the nbgrader exchange mechanism.


  • Universal solution which can be integrated with nbgrader.
  • Full control over APIs in this project.


  • Work needs to be done to implement ngshare.
  • The nbgrader exchange needs to be reworked.