Installing on a Z2JH Cluster

This guide assumes you already have a Kubernetes cluster with a persistent volume provisioner (which should be the case if you run Z2JH). You should also be familiar with installing Z2JH and using Helm.

If you prefer looking at examples instead, here’s a sample installation setup. It doesn’t demonstrate all the configurable options, though.

Installing ngshare

Installing the Helm Chart

ngshare is prepackaged into a Helm chart. You may add the repo like this:

helm repo add ngshare
helm repo update

Afterwards, create a config.yaml file to customize your helm chart. Here’s a bare minimum config.yaml file that assumes you’re installing ngshare into the same namespace as Z2JH, and that you only need 1GB of storage in total:

  hub_api_token: demo_token_9wRp0h4BLzAnC88jjBfpH0fa4QV9tZNI
    - admin_username

The API token should be generated randomly and kept secret (if you omit it, one will be automatically generated for you).

Here’s a sample config.yaml file that contains the most commonly used options:

  # Resource limitations for the pod
      cpu: 100m
      memory: 128Mi
      cpu: 100m
      memory: 128Mi

  hub_api_token: demo_token_9wRp0h4BLzAnC88jjBfpH0fa4QV9tZNI
  # Please change the line below with the namespace your Z2JH helm chart is installed under
  # You can omit this value if you're installing ngshare in the same namespace
  hub_api_url: http://hub.your-z2jh-namespace.svc.cluster.local:8081/hub/api
    - admin1
    - admin2

  # Amount of storage to allocate
  storage: 1Gi

For a full list of configurable values, check here.

You can now install ngshare using Helm:

# For helm3
helm install ngshare ngshare/ngshare -f config.yaml
# For helm2
helm install ngshare/ngshare -n ngshare -f config.yaml

If you didn’t install Z2JH in the default namespace, it is recommended to install ngshare in the same namespace as Z2JH by specifying --namespace your_namespace_name in helm install. Note that if you don’t put ngshare and Z2JH in the same namespace, you will have to modify the ngshare.hub_api_url value in your config to point to http://hub.your-z2jh-namespace.svc.cluster.local:8081/hub/api instead (replace your-z2jh-namespace with the namespace where Z2JH is installed).

After installation, Helm should give you some instructions on how to configure Z2JH.

Configuring Z2JH to Work with ngshare

The ngshare Helm chart should output something like this at the end of installation:

Congrats, ngshare should be installed!
To get started, add the following to your JupyterHub helm chart's values:

  extraConfig: |{
        'name': 'ngshare',
        'url': 'http://ngshare.default.svc.cluster.local:8080',
        'api_token': '3VEgEzkhFkQsdZNI7zhnyMW6U0a2xsZq',
        'oauth_no_confirm': True})

Follow the instructions and add the code block to your Z2JH config.yaml.

In addition, it is also necessary to append the following configuration values to the hub configuration if Z2JH 2.0 (JupterHub 3.0) is being used:

      privateIPs: true

After you have updated Z2JH’s configuration using helm upgrade, you can verify the service is working as intended by logging into JupyterHub, clicking “Control Panel”, then “Services -> ngshare”. If you see the ngshare welcome page, you may proceed. If you get a 403 Forbidden error, try visiting the page as an admin.

Installing ngshare_exchange

You should know how to customize the user environment using Dockerfiles in Z2JH. For the clients to use ngshare, the exchange must be installed in every user pod.

ngshare_exchange can be installed like any other python package:

python3 -m pip install ngshare_exchange

Finally, you need to configure nbgrader to use ngshare_exchange. This can be done by adding some code to nbgrader’s global config file, /etc/jupyter/ The relevant code should be output by the helm install command earlier when you installed ngshare:

from ngshare_exchange import configureExchange
configureExchange(c, 'http://ngshare.default.svc.cluster.local:8080/services/ngshare')
# Add the following line to let students access courses without configuration
# For more information, read Notes for Instructors in the documentation
c.CourseDirectory.course_id = '*'

Depending on your helm values and the namespace you install in, the URL will be different. Be sure to follow the code your helm install command outputs.

A sample singleuser Dockerfile that does all of the above is available on Github.

If running nbgrader list doesn’t cause any significant errors, you have installed ngshare_exchange correctly. Please check Notes for Administrators and Notes for Instructors for more information on how to use ngshare. The students should be able to use nbgrader as normal without additional configuration.